Monday, October 04, 2010

The butchers of secularism

Valmiki wrote Ramayana during 4th century BC with Rama as the main character which portrays an ideal man and the perfect human. People consider this fictional character larger than life and pushed him up to a God like status. What Valmiki wanted to say through Ramayana are the duties of relationships, portraying ideal characters like the ideal servant, the ideal brother, the ideal wife and the ideal king and how a man should live his life. But people are more interested in masala rather than the main course. Chanting Rama Rama wil not make them in to Rama.

Let us consider the myth that once upon a time there was a temple ( even ASI is not sure ) before the construction of mosque and it was demolished by Mir Baki Khan on the commands of Babar. So our great Hindus have taken revenge by demolishing the mosque. The court of law in this land has favoured these butchers by saying that the idols of Rama lalla ( infant Rama ) where people have kept is the exact place where Rama was born. (Bollywood people should take a note of this.) Disputed land where a complete mosque once stood at around 2.77 acres is cut in to three pieces. One for Nirmohi Akara just for filing a case and one each for hindus and muslims. Now owners of the mosque will get one third of the land while hindus will get two third. If three more suits are filed, I really doubt what would have happened.

So, now the demolition of mosque and its aftermath has been justified by the educated lawyers and justices of this country. Ambedhkar has rightly said that for namesake, India is secular, but communal riots were happening for centuries and it will happen for centuries to come. But when a court of law justifies this communalism, hopes of forward thinking secular people have been butchered.


At 10:20 AM , Blogger Product Design said...

I am not in a position to comment this but .this is a good observation.


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